2014 : Exposition Grrrrrr !!! à la gloire du duo mère-fille le plus célèbre et le plus loufoque du Nord-Pas-de-Calais. Plus de 140 artistes participent à cette exposition-hommage, dont le vernissage attire plus de 3000 personnes à la Maison Folie Wazemmes.


communiqué presse grrrrrr!!!

GRRRRRR !!! SUR LA PISTE DES FEMMES PANTHERES (GRRRRRR!!! Following the tracks of the panther women)– MFW

2014: Grrrr exhibition!!! A tribute exhibition to the most famous and crazy mother-daughter duo in Nord-Pas-de-Calais. More than 140 artists took part in this tribute exhibition, whose opening attracted more than 3,000 people at the Maison Folie Wazemmes.

Originally from Armentieres (north of France), The Pascaline and Esméralda panther women became a legend in our region, a disturbing mother-daughter duo dressed in fawn-printed clothes for decades. According to the collective memory, it seems that they have always been omnipresent, occupying a special place in the gallery of popular portraits of Northern France.

Enigmatic and public, they never revealed the origins of the costumes that helped them climb the steps of celebrity. 

They haunted festivities, concerts, film festivals or nightclubs (statues with their effigies have been erected at the Hollywood film market confirming an unexpected global influence). They made movies and organized events whose profits were offered to noble causes such as the fight against AIDS or the protection of animals.

Rumors have risen that are all crazier than the others, reminding that celebrity raises many passions: they were suspected of being FBI agents, prostitutes or drug criminals.

Some accusations whose Pascaline and Esméralda smiled widely, seeing in them an only additional advertising at their service. Like superheroes with the scent of scandal, the panther women appear and disappear questioning celebrity by their appearance or even by their actions.

They are interpreters to whom no scenario could be suitable since they play their own role at the scale of their life.

The GRRRRRR! exhibition gathers the pieces of a hundred artists. An opportunity to celebrate these weird legends, and to explore the questions of public, media and institutional recognition at the time of media saturations.

Artistes : Lisa Abbott, Andrew, Jean-Marie Angles, Anto, Sam Appourchaux, Arp, Arthy Mad, Véronique Auguste-Dormeuil, Françoise Bailleul, Pascal Barbe, Charles Bataille, Boris Barzof, Michel Batlle, Glen Baxter, Stéphanie Bichet, Blondin, Jozef Bonnot, François Boucq, Fanny Bouyagui, Hélène Bouzon, Canon Ball, Denis Carlier, Gaston Caron, Guillaume Caron, Alain Chapot, Franck Chauwin, Marie-Thérèse Chevalier, Chicken, Olivier Coisne, Cossu, Jean louis Costes, Kim Creighton, Eric Crémer, Didier Cressot, Croco , Jean d’Alban, Marc Daeleman, Agathe Dananaï, Bernard Dananaï, Nicolas Daquin, Sophie Deballe, Judith Debruyn, Bô Gaultier de Kermoal, Gilles Defacque, Frédérique Delbarre, Pierre-Alexis Deschamps, Olivier Despicht, Robert Dessauvages, Hervé Di Rosa, Michelle Ann Dix, D.PAO, The Dude Company, Marc Dubord, Jean-Pierre Duplan, Jacqueline Dupuis, Sébastien Dusart, Jean-Michel Dutillie, Esmeralda , Helena Faneca, Guy Ferninande, Nathalie Ficheux, Fish 2 Pute, Serge Flamenbaum, Flat Hat, Chantal Florin, Didier Fournial, Gisèle Frezin , Roger Frezin, Emmanuelle Gailliez, Philippe Garber, Noël Godin, Laurent Grember, Grim , Salon Philippe Gonay, Marie-Claude Guss, Claude Harchin, Laurence Helleboid, Edith Henry, Jacques Himpens, Stéphane Himpens, Laurent Houssin, Cécile Jarsaillon, Yann Kempen, Claire Kirkpatrick, Paul Kuseni, Christian Leclerc, Bertrand Lefebvre, Philippe Lemaire, Pascal Leroux, Lézards Hachés, Mademoiselle Zouzou , Victor Mahieu, Maniasuki , Renaud Masquelier, Elie Mirdain, Mee-Yung Monfroy, Francis Montois  , Thierry Mordant, Thomas Muselet, Hassane Naftaouaih, Anita Negri, Régis Nory, François Oliver, Jeff Olsen, Remy Pagart, Pierre Palero, Anne-Valérie Paris-Pichon, Jean Pattou, Perlin Pinpin, Sébastien Piquet, The Pit, Fabrice Poiteaux, Micowel Portelette, Patrick Pote, Jacques Quecq d’Henriprêt, Pierre Rasseneur, Anne-Marie Rogé , Valentin Rolin, Séverine Sagot, Manuela Saraïva, Carl Sonnenfeld, Talou, Chantal Tardif, Dominique Théâte, Underwill Mouque, Valérie Valois, Marie-Claire Tran Van, Franck Vandecasteele, Van’M , Adolpha Van Meerhaeghe, Willy Vinyl, David Wicress, Judith William, Alain Winance